A moins d'être aveugle, la nature du régime instauré par le FPR n'est
plus à découvrir, malgré ses efforts de désinformation systématique.
Arrestations arbitraires (demande à Paul Mbaraga les circonstances de
l'arrestation de son frère pourtant innocent), suivies de mises au
secret, «disparitions» inexpliquées de personnalités très connues et
moins connues, assassinats (Augustin CYIZA et Léonard Hitimana en ont
fait l'amère expérience), fuite de ceux qui craignent de voir venir
leur tour... Telle est la triste réalité quotidienne au pays des
milles collines. "L'atmosphère de terreur qui en découle, écrivait
Claudine Vidal en juin 2003, achève de briser les velléités de
résistance publique, d'autant plus que le président Paul Kagame a
menacé, fin mars, de «blesser» les «divisionnistes». Personne, au
Rwanda, ne pense qu'il s'agit là de vaines paroles." [1]

Interviewé par le Journal UMUSESO en juin 2001 sur les menaces qui
pesaient sur sa sécurité, le Major Augustin Cyiza, ancien
vice-président de la Cour Suprême et président de la Cour de
cassation, avait répondu: "JE N'AI PAS PEUR DE MOURIR, JE SUIS

(UMUSESO, n°47, 25 juin- 1er juillet 2001, p.1 et 2). La suite on la connaît.


Le 23 avril 2003, Augustin Cyiza fut enlevé par le DMI "à 21h50 au débouché de la
route en terre en provenance de l'UNILAK (université où il enseignait)
sur l'axe routier Kimihurura - Remera à hauteur de l'arrêt de bus
appelé ku GISHUSHU et situé à quelques centaines de mètres du bâtiment
du Parlement rwandais (l'ex-CND). Suivi depuis l'UNILAK par
l'Assistant Inspector Hodari Rwanyindo, le véhicule d'Augustin Cyiza
fut alors bloqué par plusieurs voitures et ses deux passagers enlevés.
L'opération était coordonnée par le capitaine John Karangwa et
exécutée notamment par le Chief Inspector John Murangira, l'Assistant
Inspector Hodari Rwanyindo et le caporal Rukara. La circulation
automobile fut bloquée sur ces axes par la police pendant toute la
durée de l'opération. De même, le courant électrique fut coupé dans
les quartiers de Remera au camp KAMI de 22 heures jusqu'au lendemain
matin. Augustin Cyiza fut enfermé dans une cave communément appelé
Godown dans le jargon APR. Il subit alors un premier interrogatoire de
la part de l'Assistant Commissionner General of Police, Gacinya
Rubagumya, directeur de la Special Intelligence Branch, arrivé à KAMI
vers une heure du matin. Cet interrogatoire dura environ deux heures,
puis le colonel Jackson Nziza, Directeur du DMI, prit la relève et
l'interrogea jusqu'au petit matin.

Pendant cinq jours, Gacinya Rubagumya et Jackson Nziza se relayèrent
au camp KAMI pour poursuivre leurs séances d'interrogatoires.

Dans la nuit du 28 au 29 avril, un véhicule Land Cruiser conduit par
l'adjudant chef Abasi Musonera, accompagné par une personne qui ne
quitta pas le véhicule, vint chercher Augustin Cyiza pour le conduire
vers une destination inconnue. Il n'a pas été possible de le localiser
au-delà de cette sortie..." [2]

Le cas d'Augustin Cyiza illustre très bien les méthodes de travail du DMI.

Le DMI arrive même à frapper dans l'entourage de Paul
Kagame lui-même (sur ordre de celui-ci bien entendu). Le Colonel
Wilson Rutayisire en a fait l'amère expérience.

Le netter qui a écrit un jour ce qui suit, ne s'était pas du tout trompé:

INKOTANYI Runyukanyutsi





A. Abasewe, abakomeretse n'ababuze

  1. On April 3, Damien Musayidizi "disappeared" on his way home from work. A former army sergeant, he had been Gen. Habyarimana's secretary at the ministry of defense.
  2. On April 4, a Kigali shopkeeper, Jean-Marie Vianney Nkulikiyinka, was taken from his shop at about 10 p.m. by unidentified persons and has not been heard from since.
  3. On April 7, Dr. Leonard Hitimana, a MDR deputy, "disappeared" between 8 and 9 p.m. apparently after having left the home of another MDR deputy in the Remera section of Kigali. The police announced that Hitimana's car had been found near the Ugandan frontier, but his family rejected any suggestion that he might have driven there at night, left his vehicle, and fled across the border. Dr. Hitimana is one of those MDR members whose record calls into question assertions about the genocidal nature of the party. He is widely acknowledged to have tried to save Tutsi during the genocide and has testified in trials against persons accused of genocide.1
  4. On April 23, Lieut. Col. Augustin Cyiza, a demobilized officer of the Rwandan army, formerly president of the Cour de Cassation and vice-president of the Supreme Court, "disappeared" after having taught a law class at the University of Central Africa in Kigali. He failed to respond to calls on his cellular telephone and his vehicle apparently disappeared from the city streets. Initial inquiries to police and judicial authorities elicited no information about his whereabouts, but some days later police reportedly told Cyiza's family that his vehicle had been found in the northwestern district of Butaro, near the Ugandan frontier.The police spokesman, Tony Kuramba, told others that Cyiza's vehicle was found in Nkumba district, adjacent to Butaro. According to witnesses, however, his vehicle was seen the night of his "disappearance" in the Kanombe military camp. Some military sources say that Cyiza is now detained at the military camp Kami or at the military prison at Mulindi.2
  5. A university student and cantonal judge from the court of Nyamata named Eliezer Runyaruka left the university with Cyiza on April 23 and has also not been heard from since. When his relatives appealed to police for information they were reportedly told that Eliezer "had been in league with Cyiza" and had fled the country with him. Eliezer was a Munyamulenge, a Kinyarwanda speaking person from the Congo. The Banyamulenge are generally counted as Tutsi. Cyiza regularly transported Eliezer to and from the university.3

B. Abahunze  (liste non exhaustive)

  1. Brig. Gen. Emmanuel Habyarimana4, who was minister of defense until November 2002, and Lieut. Col. Balthazar Ndengeyinka, one of the army representatives to the assembly, fled Rwanda on March 30,
  2. Lieutenant Colonel NDENGEYINKA
  3. Lieutenant Alphonse Ndayambaje
  4. Kajeguhakwa Valens Députe et Homme d'affaire
  5. Rwigema P.Célestin Premier ministre
  6. Twagiramungu Faustin Premier ministre
  7. Ndagijimana J.M.Vianney Ministre des Affaire Etrangère
  8. Mukamurenzi Marthe Ministre de la justice
  9. Madame Béatrice Panda Ex Sécr d'Etat au Ministère de l'Interieur
  10. Sebarenzi Joseph Président de l'assemblée
  11. Nkuriyingoma Ministre de l'information
  12. Musangamfura Sixbert Service de rénseignement
  13. Ntashamaje Gerard Major de l'armée
  14. Furuma Alphonse Député et Major de l'armée
  15. Kwikiriza Major dans l'armée
  16. Sisi Evariste Député et homme d'affaires
  17. Rutagengwa Bosco Ex Président d'Ibuka et Directeur de FINA
  18. Murumba Anastase Ex Président d'Ibuka
  19. Kayijaho Josué Ex Président de CLADHO et V.Président d'Ibuka
  20. Madame Kajangwe Emeritte Ex Présidente des Mamans sportives
  21. Niyibizi Hoséa Ex Directeur de FARG
  22. Mugabe J.Pierre Rédacteur en Chef du journal le Tribun du Peuple
  23. Mbonimpa J.M.Vianney Ancien Ambassadeur du Rwanda en Suisse
  24. Ndahayo Eugène Ex directeur de cabine du Ministère de l'information
  25. Nkundiyaremye Alype Ex Président du conseil d'Etat et VP C.S
  26. Iyakaremye Bosco Président de la cour suprème
  27. Kayihura Edouard, Premier Substitut du Procureur wari ushinzwe gukurikirana ibyaha bya genocide muri Parike ya Kigali
  28. Nyilinkindi Antoine Ex Ambassadeur du Rwanda à Kinshasa
  29. Mfizi Christophe Ex Ambassadeur du Rwanda à Paris
  30. Rwiyamirira J.Bosco Ex 1 sécretaire de l'ambassade au Canada
  31. Nkurunziza David Ambassade du Rwanda en Islaël
  32. Mutsinzi Edouard Ex Redacteur en chef du journal le Messager
  33. Mushayidi Déo Journaliste
  34. Kagiraneza Deus Ex préfet et députe du FPR
  35. David Nkurunziza (Ambassade du Rwanda en Israël)
  36. General de Brigade Rusatira Leonidas wariwatahutse akayoboka
  37. Major Jeanne Ndamage, muramu wa Nyakwigendera Minisitiri Gatabazi Felicien, wariwatahutse ngo ayoboke bikananirana
  38. Karuhije Ignace wari Perefe wa Ruhengeri
  39. Mgr Ruhumuliza Aoron wariwasimbuye Mgr Sebununguli
  40. Mgr Jered Kalimba wa Shyogwe
  41. Amiel Nkuliza, umunyamakuru wahunze azira ubuyanja
  42. Valens Kwitegetse, umunyamakuru wa Kinyamateka wagendeye igihe kimwe na Depite Sisi Evariste I Bugande
  43. Philibert Muzima, umunyamakuru uyu ukunze kwandika kuri Rwanda-l aba Canada
  44. Depite Nkelinka Eustache aba mu Budage ubu yayobotse Diaspora!
  45. Depute Mberabahizi JB
  46. Nkubito J.Claude, umunyamakuru umwe mu bayobozi b’ishyirahamwe ry’abanyamakuru
  47. Muhawenimana Jason. Umunyamakuru w’ikinyamakuru Imboni
  48. Ngarukiye Leon, umukozi mukuru wa Leta FPR yamenesheje ikoresheje Minisitiri Gasana Anastase
  49. Ambasadeur Insonere Pierre, umukozi mukuru muri Minaffet wameneshejwe na FPR ikoresheje Minisitiri Gasana Anastase
  50. Ephrem Gasasira Prezida w’Urukiko rw’Ubujulire rwa Nyabisindu(Nyanza) wazize ko abantu babonaga aliwe ukwiye guhabwa umwanya wa Prezida wa Cour Supreme
  51. Paul Rusesabagina Diregiteri wa Hoteli des Diplomates uyu wahawe umudali wo kugoboka abahungiye muri Hoteli des Mille Collines akameneshwa na DMI, umwaka ushize Kagame akagira isoni nawe akamutumira ngo amuhe uwe mudali akanga
  52. Theobald GAKWAYA RWAKA, ancien Ministre


C. Abishwe  (liste non exhaustive)

  1. Sebulikoko Celestin, entrepreneur, we n’umuryango we baguye I Byumba
  2. Rudasingwa Leonard, umukozi wa Bralirwa FPR yamutsinze I Byumba
  3. Mbabajende Charles, umukozi mukuru wa Sonarwa yaguye I Byumba
  4. Muhaturukundo Norbert, umukozi wa Leta, we n’umuryango we baguye I Byumba
  5. Habumuremyi Silas, umukozi wa Leta, we n’umuryango we baguye I Byumba
  6. Col Hakizimana Stanislas we n’umuryango we bamutsinze iwe ku Gisenyi bamaze gutahuka
  7. Lt Col Nzamwita Innocent uyu bitaga Dictionnaire bamutsinze muri gereza ku Gisenyi
  8. Capt Theoneste Hategekimana, umukwe wa Sebera Antoine, wayoboraga gendarmerie Gitarama yarashwe agambaniwe na mugenzi we w’umukapiteni ukomoka I Bugande bakoranaga
  9. Appolos Hakizimana, umunyamakuru
  10. Helena Nyirabikali, umunyamakuru batsinze muri gereza I Kigali
  11. Manasse Mugabo, umunyamakuru wakoranaga na Minuar baramuzimiza
  12. Mutabazi Ladislas, procureur wa Pariki ya Gisenyi bashimutiye kuri Base muri 1998 agiye I Kigali.
  13. Koloni Placide, Superefe wa Ruhango watwikiwe iwe mu nzu mu Ruhango akimara gufungurwa we n’umulyango we
  14. Innocent Murengezi, Avocat washimutiwe I Nyamirambo avuye kuburana muri 1997
  15. Semwaga Augustin, umukozi wa Pnud warasiwe iwe ku Muhima muri 1996 azira umwanya yarafite muri PNUD.
  16. Semunyana Edouard , umukozi mukuru wa Electrogaz wazize umwanya we
  17. Kamanzi Callixte, umucungamali muli OCIR wishwe azize umwanya we
  18. Munyandamutsa Vincent, Bourgmestre wa Rushashi
  19. Habinshuti Floribert, Procureur wa Parike ya Rushashi
  20. Nikuze Bernard, Prezida w’Urukiko rwa Mbere rw’Iremezo rwa Kigali wishwe muri 1995
  21. Kabera Assiel conseiller à la présidence
  22. Bayingana Victor Commerçant
  23. Kagaju Antoinette Madame Victor
  24. Sendashonga Seth Ministre de l'interieur
  25. Lizinde Théoneste (Député )Préfet
  26. Mbayire Alphonse Agent de l'ambassade à Nairobi
  27. Gratien Munyarubuga w'Ubuyanja
  28. Nkubito Alphonse Ministre de la justice
  29. Munyempanzi Emmanuel Journaliste de la télévision Rwandaise
  30. Nkezabagamwa Vincent  Président du conseil d'Etat
  31. Dr Rwangabo Préfet wa Butare
  32. Col Rutayisire Wilson(Shabani) Ex Directeur ORINFOR
  33. Major Ruzindana Alexis
  34. Major Birasa
  35. Mgr Visinti Nsengiyumva Arkepisikopi wa Kigali
  36. Mgr Tadeyo Nsengiyumva wa Kabgayi
  37. Mgr Yozefu Ruzindana wa Byumba
  38. Mgr Innosenti Gasabwoya Vicaire Episcopal- Kamonyi
  39. Mgr JMV Rwabilinda Vicaire General –Kabgayi
  40. Mgr Christophe Munzihirwa Arkepisikopi wa Bukavu muri 1996
  41. Abihayimana benshi barimo n’abanyamahanga nka:
  42. Padiri Guy Pinard, Canadien 1997
  43. Padiri Vjeco Curic wo muri Croatie uyu barasiye i Kigali

D. Abafunze (cg bigeze gufungwa) (liste non exhaustive)

  1. On April 1, Major Felicien Ngirabatware, a friend of General Habyarimana and director of the Ruhengeri Military School, was arrested and has since been held incommunicado.
  2. The commission said that MDR members used newspapers like Umuseso and Le Partisan to disseminate their ideas.5 In January 2002 Le Partisan published an article detailing RPF efforts to control the MDR. The author of the article, Amiel Nkuliza, was detained for several days and the MDR secretary general Pierre Gakwandi was jailed on suspicion of having been the source of information published in the article. Nkuliza later fled the country and Le Partisan stopped publishing. Fifteen months later Gakwandi remains in prison and has not been tried. Umuseso is the one independent journal currently publishing in Rwanda. Its editor Ismael Mbonigaba was jailed in late January 2003 for having published an article about a possible presidential contest between Kagame and Twagiramungu. The article, said to be "divisionist," was accompanied by a cartoon showing Kagame in the role of King Solomon deciding the fate of the MDR. Mbonigaba was provisionally released in late February and has not been tried. On April 15 Mbonigaba circulated an informal account of the MDR debate under the heading of a journal called Indorerwamo/Le Miroir. A week later officials seized an issue of Indorerwamo/Le Miroir that gave extensive coverage of the MDR affair. Police said they confiscated the journal because it was new and had failed to conform to regulations concerning the publication of a new newspaper. The editor argued that the journal had been published first in 1997 and again since 2002 as a supplement to Umuseso.6
  3. Pasteur Bizimungu, Ex PRESIREP
  4. Charles Ntakirutinka, ancien Ministre
  5. Ubarijoro Bonaventure Ex Ambassadeur membre du MDR
  6. Sibomana Jean Baptiste Substitut du Procureur de la République
  7. Nkeramugaba André Ancien Député
  8. Mbanda Jean Ex Député
  9. Ntezimana Laurien
  10. Muremangingo Didace Redacteur en chef de la revue Ubuntu
  11. Mugenga  Ex Directeur de l'Electrogaz
  12. Gakwandi Pierre Sécretaire général du MDR
  13. Mgr Misago Augustin wa Gikongoro
  14. Col Biseruka wazize ubuyanja bakabihindura ibibazo by’ubuhemu n’amahugu na baramu be(affaire familiale), urwitwazo
  15. Uwizeye Fideli wari Perefe wa Gitarama akaza kuzira umwanya yararimo muri Mininter, Kagame akumvikana na Mutsindashyaka bakawuha mwene nyina wa Col Sartho Bahenda
  16. Kamali Sylvestre
  17. Habimana Bonaventure
  18. Major Ngirabatware yafungiwe ubusa imyaka irenga ibili
  19. Depute Bizimana Jean Leonard wafungiwe ko yabaye Depute kandi yarahungiye Tingitingi
  20. Ngenzi Daniel umuyobozi wa Transintra wafungiwe imyaka ibili ubusa ngo ari mubashakira abasore ingabo z’umwami
  21. Rutihunza Theobald wari Perefe wa Cyangugu wafunzwe bashaka kumukura ku mwanya
  22. Dominique Makeli umunyamakuru
  23. Albert Baudouin Twizeyimana umunyamakuru wafunzwe muri 1996 akaza gufungurwa muri 1999 ubu akaba akorera Kinyamateka
  24. Tatiana Mukakibibi umunyamakuru
  25. Telesphore Nyilimanzi umunyamakuru
  26. Gedeon Mushimiyimana umunyamakuru
  27. Ladislas Parmehutu umunyamakuru

"we have enough machines to crush the grains...."
(Paul Kagame,
President of the Republic of Rwanda, on the occasion of International
Water Day, Rebero, Bwisige, Byumba, March 31, 2003).

"Any divisionism will be smashed-not with a hammer. But you are
adults, you know what I mean."

Abatabizi bicwa no kutabimenya.

Preparing for Elections: Tightening Control in the Name of Unity
Human Rights Watch Backgrounder
May 8, 2003


Rwandan president and RPF head Paul Kagame threatened this rival and others in several recent speeches. On March 31 Kagame told listeners that elections would be "carried out peacefully and in a transparent manner." But in an apparent reference to Twagiramungu and perhaps other contenders, he continued:

I can even say that the outcomes of these elections are known. Those elected will be individuals who are 100 per cent in line with the current political agenda, aimed at building the country. This will be the case, and I am sure that it is also your view and your wish to have national security, unity, development and democracy. Anyone who would bring in division-because I know that the views of those who intend to come back are based on division-will not be elected.

In the same speech he warned that he would "wound" any who failed to understand and heed his message against "divisionism." In a threatening metaphor, he said that any who expected to profit from the "sorghum and corn" they had sown-presumably a reference to political rather than agricultural activities-should remember that "we have enough machines to crush the grains...." In an apparent reference to the flight of several high-ranking military officers the previous day (see below), Kagame announced that some people would soon be fired from government posts because they were suspected of wanting to flee the country.2

In a speech on April 7 at the ceremony commemorating victims of genocide, Kagame criticized the "bad policy of foreigners who support division." He implied that by aiding civil society foreign donors helped sow division, a theme taken up a week later by deputies in the assembly.3

The attack on "divisionism" accelerated early in the year when authorities held a series of workshops with local government officials in preparation for elections. In Kibungo, the official speaker insisted on the "delicacy" of the period and reportedly said, "Any divisionism will be smashed-not with a hammer. But you are adults, you know what I mean." At a similar meeting in Ruhengeri, the speaker led a kind of call and response session much like the political "animation" meetings that were frequent under the government of Juvenal Habyarimana (1973-1994). His theme was that "unity" was a baby that needed to be kept at the breast until its mother-presumably the RPF-decided it was ready to be weaned.4


Claudine Vidal, "Rwanda : L'espoir en trompe-l'oeil", Nouvelobs Hebdo,
Semaine du jeudi 19 juin 2003 - n°2015 - Monde : Neuf ans après le
génocide - Rwanda : L'espoir en trompe-l'oeil

[2] Postface de l'ouvrage collectif « Augustin Cyiza - Un homme libre
au Rwanda » par Thierry CRUVELLIER, Albert-Enéas GAKUSI, James K.
TWAGIRAMUNGU et Claudine VIDAL, Karthala, Paris, 2004, p. 209-214. )